Association Management

Homeowner Associations & Condominium Associations


No association is too small or too large. We value the relationships we build with boards and homeowners. Berkson and Sons Ltd. has been given the opportunity to manage some associations for over 25 years and still going strong. We attend all board meetings and provide guidance regarding Illinois condominium law. 24 hr. answering service for emergency issues that may arise.

Whether a Homeowners Association, Condo Association or Commercial Property Owner (Industiral, Office or Retail), contact Berkson & Sons, Ltd for more information about our Facilities Management Services.

Monthly Expense Reporting

Customized reports for each client include detailed reporting, designed for each client and their specific requirements.

Efficient, Trackable Billing

Our associates are trained in state-of-the-art property management software, allowing them to generate timely and accurate billing for rent/assessments and common-area maintenance.

Budget Preparation

Based on our years of experience managing properties, we assist our clients in formulating budgets that are both comprehensive and realistic.

Preventative Maintenance

We take a proactive approach to asset management and recommend steps that will increase efficiency, improve aesthetics, and integrate sustainable solutions into each property we manage.

We are proud to announce we presently manage 26 Currency Exchange facilities across Illinois!